Information on:

Cheyenne Harmony Chorus

2950 Spruce Dr.

Do you love singing, performing and making music? Then you’ve come to the right place.

We take singing to the next level — we don’t just sing simple melodies but four-part, a cappella harmony, music created from four different voice parts that beautifully blend into one chord, aka Barbershop. Stunning and challenging, all in one!

We are an all-female choir, based in Cheyenne WY, and are made up of contemporary women from all walks of life and all parts of Laramie County. We take our music seriously but have lots of fun as well! We sing a wide range of repertoire from new hits to forever classics.

If you would like to find your voice, build your confidence, make new friends, and sing with us, join us on Thursday evenings, 7:00 pm at Grace Hall (Grace United Methodist Church), 2950 Spruce Drive, Cheyenne, WY 82001. Don’t worry – we want as many people to join as possible, so we give you as much help and support as possible to make you successful!

Cheyenne Harmony Chorus is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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